About Mr. Subhash Thapar
Subhash Thapar has a Masters in Vedic Astrology with over 40 years of experience. According to Mr. Thapar, ‘Vedic Astrology’ is a most profound and ancient system of astrology which is based on timeless wisdom of the ancient rishis, seers and Vedic texts of India. He believes in enhancing positivity in your life by solving your problems by offering his services. He aspires to create a better tomorrow with services offered, pujas and horoscope related guidance.
The universe is our future!
Subhashthapar.com Event Chart Analysis Consist of
- One on One Consultation over the phone.
- Detailed two to three page written analysis answering your question, along with all relevant astrological information, including an astrological chart of your question.
- Each question is analyzed and answered with personal attention by Mr. Thapar.
- Mr. Thapar is also available for further discussion of your event via e-mail and phone after you receive your written analysis.
- To Obtain your Astrological chart analysis Mr. Thapar will need the following information The exact time (giving local time zone if known) date and location (city, county, nearest town) in which the event occurred or is scheduled to occur.
My Vision
My Mission
Our Specialites
Mr. Thapar is one of best Vedic astrologer and solution provider to all your problems. He specializes in Vedic astrology, Mata ki Chowki, Pujas and horoscope predictions.
Mr. Thapar is a positive thinker and believes in spreading positivity with the help of his knowledge and services. He aspires to create a better tomorrow.


Mata Ki

Puja's &